
to the digital world of Clint and Shirley Flanagan. We use this site for various events that might interest friends and family. Notable items of interest include presentations of differnt places we visit using our recreational vehicle also known as a travel trailer. Scribbles is where dissussions about various hi-tech issues or projects Clint is working on.

Just to give a little background on ourselves we are a retired military couple. Shirley retired as a executive assistant and Clint retired after 21 years in the U.S. Air Force. He then spent 10 years as a Defense Contracter and 8 years as a civil service employee.

Both Shirley and Clint are very active in our local church. Shirley teaches a women's ministry class, is a co-leader of our Senior Adult Ministry, and is head of the church collections counting committee. Clint is a church deacon, a counter on the collections counting committee, and a substitute Sunday School and men's ministry teacher.

2025 © The CyberFlanagans